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I had unbelievable trip to back home.

Nagu reklaamist.






Peter Kean and his wife from Northen Ireland.

Täna lisan ka pikema jutu piltide juurde, inglise keeles. Nii et hakake veerima.

I had unbelievable trip to back home.

First, i fell a sleep at Hamburg - Berlin train, what actually, from Berlin
continues towards Budapest. So i fell a sleep at train and woke up and
watched out of window, and i saw that train is in Berlin train station and
lots of people have just come in train, mostly old German ladies. So i
jumped up and shouted: i have to get of , i have to get of. Of course these
old ladies had no clue what i am screaming about. also someone from corner
told in English: yes its Berlin, you better be quick. so i just started to
push these old ladies away from the road, and i got to the door, where one
train worker was standing and said something to me, with very strict
manner, anyway i jumped out of the door, and doors closed behind me.

So then i recognized that my other train to Berlin airport is leaving very
soon and started to run. i got there and started to wait. and the train
simply didn't come and i feared from the speakers that there was something
said about Schönefeld, so i ran to check the boards and i found out that
the time and place of train has been changed.

So i ran to this other platform and train came. After 20 min. of train
trip, the driver of train turned of the automatic station screens and
started to say station names in German, and also telling something else
and soon i got to know what this something else is. The train was send to
other tracks and at the end we had a ride to wrong direction for half and
our. We ended up near the Tempelhof airport, what is i guess about 20 km
from Schönefeld? Anyway, while being lost with this train, i hears a
familiar voices beside me on train, yes there was nice old couple
speanking Northern-Irish language. So i asked them if they also plan to go
to Schönefeld.

Then we got out of train and some train-officials with special uniforms and
hats came and told us how to get to Scönefeld, so we had two other trains
to get. I had nice conversation with Norther-Irish couple about life. The
live in Donegal, and man is named Peter Kean, and he works for local city
council, really nice man. We talked about economics, old times, new times,
future times, everything. Anyway he told that i should contact him if i
ever get to Northern Ireland. So now i have many Irish friends already.

Anyway, we had the exact check-in times and we got there almost last
minute, just to go through security and then 10 minutes to boarding.

Vot nii. Tore on olla jälle kodus.

Siin on veel pilte:


yay! scarlett johansson.
noh, leidsid silmarõõmu :D
risto ma nii ootasin su kommi, ma olin kindel, et see tuleb. musi.

enivei, ma pakuks retsepti angelina jolie + scarlett.
mulle öeldakse keskmiselt üle kahe päeva, et ma olen scarlet. see tsikk on ka tegelt üsna aga aron sa panid õige retsepti. respekt!
jesh, kle kai mis üldse teed jne, tule astu laupäeval Juuksurist läbi mängin seal tiba mussi. nii õhtapoole.
ma olen vist vähe telekat vaadand, :S
kle äkki tulengi!
mitu nelki tahad:D?
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